Go ahead and read the tip below and then for more info sign-up for the FREE tele-training by clicking on the photo below this where you’ll have access to a 60 minute telelass I led recently.
In the teleclass How to Create and Be Successful Sharing Your Personal Story I’m going to reference a time when I was completely lost on stage during a performance (I had to present my show/material) out of order for a networking event very early in the day and then later that night when I came to the part of the show which I had cut earlier I lost my place for a moment. I will share what I did and how to deal with moments like these as a pro on the call.
#1 TIP
For those of you interested in creating your own one-person show or presenting material based on your life for a group I thought I’d share the Top Tip I recommended to a good friend recently when she called me in a slight panic before presenting for the first time before a large group.
She literally had about 3 minutes (it may have been right before the presentation) and asked for my top tip. I said:
Taking a conscious breath gets you present in the moment and out of your head where your judgments, fears and old limiting beliefs (like I’m not good enough or Who I am to do this?) live.
You can also use this tip where ever you are in the presentation- at the start, in the middle, if you’ve lost your place, etc.
It connects you back to your body, the present moment and relaxes you.
‘See’ you on the teleclass. Here’s the link for it again:
Be Bold. Be Brave. Tell Your Story.