I am scared to death. I’m backstage at one of the top acting schools in Los Angeles. I am about to tell my story, my real story in an exercise called a personal monologue.

I’ve got the unloaded gun I borrowed from a fellow student on stage already, alongside my flute and just a couple of props.

I’ve given the stage manager the cue for my music at the end of the scene and I’ve even enlisted a friend in class last minute to join me on stage for a final dance to close out the piece.

Why did I ask to do this? I felt inwardly guided and yet I am now sweating, fear gripping me, knowing that I may be judged severely and the truth will be known…the truth I’ve been hiding for years.

My father killed my mother and married her sister just a few years ago.

He shot her in the head, cleaned up the crime and then abandoned me forever

My life is a Shakespearean tragedy.

Lights up, curtains open, all eyes in this 100 person class are on me

Something happens.

I am free. I am in the moment. I am telling my truth through story and music and movement and narration.

I’m being seen as I really am, in all my vulnerability and strength.

My secrets are out for the first time since that fateful night and in that reveal I am free.

That short piece changed my world. Not only did I get a standing ovation but several of my peers flew over to me during the break and through tears they shared their secrets which were heavy until then.

A directing student wanted to direct me and I was off. I realized I could change peoples lives.

This exercise would expand into my 60 minute one-woman show, My Brooklyn Hamlet, which I have now performed for over 12,000 people all over the world and for audiences as diverse as women prisoners, domestic violence trainers and survivors, for theatre festivals, womens’ groups, the US military, mental health professionals, for high school, college and grad school students and faculty and the list goes on.

Now I have presented it virtually for theatres in Los Angeles and San Diego

Do you have a story to tell?

Do you have a show in you?

Don’t wait!

It’s time to showcase your talent and your heart.

Let me help you tell your story for self-expression, to inspire and to earn a living.

If you would like more assistance and a step-by-step system to tap into your core story, make a difference and make money then I invite you to join me in my Facebook group BECOMING UNFORGETTABLE https://facebook.com/groups/becomingunforgettableclub and ask me all about it.