1. Make a list of the top 5 events in your life that affected you deeply (made you sad, mad, glad, happy, fearful, or were hysterically funny or odd)
2. Flesh out each event by including the who, when and where it happened.
3. Expand each event into a living breathing scene by writing a paragraph or two that includes as many of your senses as you can and write it in first person. Ex: “I am sitting on the shag carpet in my bedroom. I pull the fiber of the purple and pink rug through my little fingers as my cat Cleopatra sits on my lap. I hear my father yell as the front door closes. I tremble”

4. Read all 5 events and find a recurring theme in at least 2 of them and make a note of it. Is it loss? Abandonment? Sex? Love? Grief? There may be two themes screaming out in several of the paragraphs.

5. Choose one scene to expand on to start (the one with the most juice) and write a detailed character description out for each person involved. Use real names.

6. Add dialogue for all the characters. Each will have a different way of saying things….different use of vocabulary, maybe an accent, maybe they talk in rhymes. This makes it interesting to read and present either on video or stage. Be true to the characters because this is about authenticity.

7. As you write your copy/ your script,- make sure you stick to the theme(s) that you found in exercise 4-. This takes the confusion out of what to share and what not to share.

8. Have a clear picture of your characters now- you can write a one-to two minute scene and go all out- bold, brazen and big in one of your videos- this will definitely have you STAND OUT. I’ve done this on radio interviews, when accepting awards and in TV interviews. Not only do I talk about my story but I deliver/perform a scene. Creating a small scene like this creates infinite possibilities to BE REMEMBERED.

9. No apologies. If there is any part of you that is afraid to share- clean it up by doing mindset work concurrently with your sharing (or beforehand)so you share freely and confidently and change lives.

10. When in doubt about the quality of your storytelling- Ex: Will anyone care/ listen/watch? Ask a teacher, mentor or coach. Friends are great but sometimes while they mean well they can actually suppress your real communication…because they are worried about you..when the act of storytelling is actually an act of healing and self-love and courage when done right.

Want to learn 7 Different Ways to Use Your Story to be Inspired, Heal Others and Earn Money? Sign up for my FREE 3 part video training: Tell Your Story. Heal Yourself. Create More Wealth at https://forgivenessandfreedom.com/freetraining