Listen to internet radio with Lynn Serafinn on Blog Talk Radio
Another layer of Forgiveness
Author, Transformation Coach and book promotion coach Lynn Serafinn hosts the “Queen of Forgiveness” Brenda Adelman.Award-winning actress Brenda Adelman returns to our show after a very popular appearance in 2009. In addition to being an actress, Brenda is also a Life Guide, Forgiveness and Setting Healthy Boundaries Expert and Transformational Life Coach, who specialises in helping people forgive the unforgiveable.Brenda has a Master’s Degree in Spiritual Psychology, is the recipient of a Hero of Forgiveness award from The Hawaii International Forgiveness Project and is an award-winning actress with a one-woman show called “My Brooklyn Hamlet” that is based on her life story, when, in 1995, her father shot and killed her mother and then he quickly married her aunt. She found her way to peace, freedom and creative expression through practicing the art of forgiveness.

One tonight’s show, we’ll be discussing ways to look at your current life relationships and what’s not working, find the link to the past, make peace with it through forgiveness of judgments (especially self-judgment), and learn how to translate this new awareness into acceptance, loving and peace today.

You’ll also find out about free gifts when you purchase her forgiveness guide, “My Father Killed My Mother and Married My Aunt: Forgiving the Unforgivable,” or get her forgiveness guide FREE at her powerful virtual event, Opening to Love: A Weekend
