“There’s a power in love that our world has not discovered yet,”

Rev. Martin Luther King Jr.

I am beyond inspired by this expression spoken so long ago by peace activist Martin Luther King Jr.

I wonder how far we have come since he said this.

Scouring the internet this morning for stories to help me understand where we are as people regarding Love and Forgiveness, I found  this information below  in an uplifting article by Charles Honey| Religion News Service in The Washington Post.

I’m hopeful today because according to this article, Fetzer President and CEO Larry Sullivan is helping others to discover the impact of love by bringing diverse communities from around the globe together to speak to this subject.

Fetzer says, “Let’s put our backs into the work of love and forgiveness.”

“Fetzer already has poured $4.5 million into the work of 16 advisory councils representing disciplines from the arts, education and engineering to health, natural sciences and religion and spirituality. Over a year and a half, the councils have highlighted about 150 exemplary projects, of which Fetzer has funded 60 through August…. A panel of experts will work with the councils to build on existing projects and develop new ones to heal hatred and relieve suffering.

They include parents in Uganda forgiving rebels who abducted, tortured or killed their children; bereaved Israeli and Palestinian families working to reconcile with each other; and San Quentin prison inmates learning how to listen to each other and forgive themselves .”

What does this mean for us?

It means there is more focus being placed on the good in this world. I can rest better knowing that serious funding and attention is being directed to heal lives by creating true solution to problems through love instead of through war, greed and fear.

Here’s a link to the article where I found this inspirational material: http://www.washingtonpost.com/national/on-faith/in-assisi-seeking-love-and-forgiveness-in-the-shadow-of-st-francis/2012/10/01/d23a5638-0c06-11e2-97a7-45c05ef136b2_story.html

If this resonates for you and you also believe more Love & Forgiveness is key healing this world please retweet.

In gratitude,
