Hi everyone,

Well, Los Angeles is just fabulous. It’s a city of dreams and creativity and spirituality.

I attended the Sunday Service at Agape this week. Rev. Michael Beckwith (many know him from the movie The Secret) gave a powerful talk. He referenced a quote from Earnest Holmes that just about knocked my socks off—changed my thinking-expanded my vision. I am paraphrasing a lot here–it went something like, “Your work should be your prayer. Your beliefs your act. And your living your art.” Profound.

Work shouldn’t be about complaining about what other people aren’t doing or even dreading having to go sometimes. It should be, could be, about communing with Spirit. A prayer. Lovely.

As far as beliefs go…how many of us say we believe something, but our actions don’t match? (Just look at politics right now if you can’t find a personal example immediately) I had an aha for myself–that’s where the real healing takes place. So, when I watch one political party talk and I deem them as lying about something (because they are) I have been going into anger–not outward anger–more a sense of righteousness. Yup, I get pulled into the separation that I claim I don’t believe in. I believe in the oneness between all of us, our connection through a universal power. So, with this new insight I get to see if I can act my beliefs and actually stay centered even though I’m disagreeing. Does that make sense? Can you do that too?

And last–is my living my art? I’m pretty good on this one as sometimes I can hardly see where my ‘living’ and life and my art begin and end. Many of you know that I speak professionally on the power of forgiveness, I’m a forgiveness coach and I perform my one-woman show, My Brooklyn Hamlet, regularly. Everything I do for my living is built on the foundation of the forgiveness work I have learned and applied combined with artistic expression. Can you combine your living with your creativity so it is your art?

I’m off to Sedona, AZ on Friday to spend a few weeks there. I finally get to reunite with my dog whom I miss more than I can say. She’s the best! I’ve been so lucky to have a wonderful friend, Tom, taking care of her while my partner and I have been traveling these last few months

All the best,


Here’s a photo of me and Rickie-Byars Beckwith when her and Rev. Michael were speaking at my church in Sedona.