What are you afraid of?
You might say, “Nothing”. Aren’t we taught to be tough -especially men?
Then as you go below the surface you may think
- I’m afraid that no one really sees me
- I’m afraid that I’ll never meet my soulmate
- I’m afraid I’ll always be alone
- I’m afraid I’ll die alone
- I’m afraid that it will always be a struggle to make ends meet
- I’m afraid that I’ll never get ahead
- I’m afraid that I’ll never lose this extra weight
- I’m afraid that I’m not healthy
- I’m afraid to be a burden to anyone
- I’m afraid that no one really cares
- I’m afraid that I’ll never reconcile with my sister/ brother/ mother/ father/child
- I’m afraid my parent will die before I let go of my anger toward them and I’ll feel guilty
- I’m afraid I don’t know how to raise my kids to be productive human beings
- I’m afraid because I can’t control them
- I’m afraid I’ll never find my voice or my place in this world
- I’m afraid I’ll never write that book
- I’m afraid to speak up because my friends and/or family won’t accept my Truth
- I’m afraid to be myself because no one will like me if they really knew me
- I’m afraid no one will ever love me
- I’m afraid to open my heart and get hurt again
The list really goes on and on.
I believe that lasting healing can only come forward when we look our fears (the ones below the surface) in the face, own them, witness them with compassion and gently forgive the judgments we hold about them.
This brings freedom.
I witness this with my coaching clients and it inspires me to go deeper.
There’s a feeling of living in the duality of this world (good/bad and right/ wrong) while at the same time easing into the Truth of the Oneness of everything.
Like Rumi’s quote says, “Out beyond ideas of right-doing and wrong-doing there is a field. I’ll meet you there.”
That’s the place I feel best.