Soulmate Series: What role does forgiveness play in relationships?

Will you join me on a very personal journey of exploration designed to 

enrich your life by softening the hurts inside you that have turned into 

a shield around your heart?
What: 6 week telecourse with Brenda Adelman, MA, recipient of a 

Hero of Forgiveness award 
Soulmate Series: Forgive to Attract More Loving into Your Life
When: Saturdays, August 7th – September 18th
*Are you in a dead end relationship with a lack of intimacy and 


*Have you not dated in years because of fear and lack of self-esteem 

and trust?

*Are you dating all the time through the internet but not ever 

finding the ‘right’ one,

someone who appreciates you just the way you are?

If so, this workshop is for you.

I’ve been in an incredibly loving and empowering partnership for over 

9 years and I feel called to share the secret to our success with a 

select group of participants during this teleclass series.

Before you can ride the challenges and obstacles that come with a 

relationship (along with the opportunity for so much loving) and 

deepen in your own power and growth you must open your heart, 

learn to trust yourself and how to protect yourself at the same time. 

In this 6 week series you’ll receive the personal techniques 

I’ve used to not only open my heart after it was broken so I could 

trust again, but I’ll also show you how to attract your 

partner to you and then do the work necessary to stay in the loving 

even when one of you isn’t communicating from that loving space.

I understand betrayal and why sometimes you may have to close your

heart down to  protect yourself. You see, my father killed my 

mother in 1995 and shortly after married my aunt. But my closed 

heart and unforgiveness toward my father was literally keeping 

love relationships away from me. I didn’t even love myself so how 

could someone else cherish me?

Are you ready to open your heart again?

Do you feel you deserve to be loved?

Only you know the true answer to this question.

In this 6 week series you’ll learn how to:

* Uncover what’s stopping you from living your life filled 

with more love.

* How to set boundaries and honor yourself at the same time.

*How to be empowered by your circumstances

You are ready for this series if:

*You are committed to letting go  of the old story you’ve 

been telling yourself about why things can’t work for you.

Are you willing to do that to change your love life?

You’ll have personal attention from me during this 6 week 

Forgiveness to Find Your Soulmate Series.

What: Soulmate Teleseries: What role does forgiveness play?

Where: Over the phone from the convenience of your own home.
When: Saturdays, August 7th, August 14th, August 21st. August 28th,
Sept.11th and September 18th
8/7 and 8/21 and 9/11 are teleclass days. 1-2 PM PST
8/14 and 8/28 and 9/18 are private coaching days with Brenda

That’s right, each participant- that’s you!-receives Three 20 minute laser

focus 1:1 sessions with Brenda during the 6 week series to focus on your

personal story, struggles and next steps.

Are you committed to breaking your old patterns?

Is it worth it to you to make some real change by using forgiveness to

unblock those parts of you that won’t let love in…or out?

The 6 week Soulmate Series is designed to help you make a shift.
Start right now by setting an intention for what you want to let go of
during our 6 weeks together.
Letting go creates space for you to create the relationship you truly
What you get: *Three 1 hour group coaching teleclasses led by Brenda.

Teaching takes place during the first half of the call (so you’ll want to 

take notes) and then it’s personal coaching and questions for the final

part of each teleclass. You’ll also have homework each week.

This is only for serious players!

* Three 20 minute laser coaching sessions with Brenda to focus in on

your specific next steps and exercises.

And there will be a bonus announced after the first class.

How much for all this?

Just $99.

This class is closed now. Email me to be put on a waiting

list for the next class series.

My 1 hour individual coaching fees are $150 and my group telecoaching classes are $149. And frankly I don’t have a lot of time in my schedule so I don’t know when I’ll be offering this again. I was guided to offer this in meditation though-so here it is… In this teleclass series you’ll receive 3 hours of group classes and an additional 1 hour private coaching with me (your 3 twenty minute sessions) And it’s only $99. To reserve your spot make your payment and then RSVP Brenda at [email protected] with Soulmate Series Forgiveness Teleclass in the subject line. State your intention for the series in the body of that email. You’ll receive another email from me with the call-in information for the series. Here’s what one recent participant in my live Forgiveness Workshop in Los Angeles said, The room was alive with heart listening & sharing. Brenda took everyone on a deep path by looking at our unforgiving righteous stance & walking us into the myriad opportunities each life, each circumstance had to offer. Alma Bella, Acupuncturist, Healer It’s time for you to find your precious opportunities for more loving…. Brenda ***Help me help you*** Brenda Forgive, Open Your Heart, Be Free, Brenda Adelman Out of Fear. Into Forgiveness. Onward to Freedom.