Over 200 amazing humans have turned the events from their lives into captivating stories using my Story SHOW Method.
And since then, 2 things happened.

#1 I was able to give over 100 of them a platform to speak in front of an invited audience ( in –person and then virtually).
The audiences were mesmerized, moved and inspired and the storytellers often shocked themselves with their authenticity, courage and talent 

To be honest, though, I was working with them, helping develop their material and directing their presentations, so, I kind of expected those breakthroughs.

That’s what my Healing through Story Tell Yours! And my Digital Storytelling trainings are about.
But I didn’t expect this…

#2 Now that they were comfortable telling their story as a TEDStyle Talk or show, they wanted to be confident enough to book a lot of interviews (like I do) to grow their business using the stories they developed for their Talks.

Which led to my clients booking 1:1 sessions with me to help them get the techniques to deliver their stories just as powerfully in podcasts, on radio, TV, and FB Live shows so they stand out to the hosts and the viewers and listeners and create fans, get referrals, optins and magnetize clients. 

I’ll be teaching you the technique I used to turn my personal story into my Brand story and then find secondary stories that I’ve used on stages LIVE for over 12,000 people and on over 200 media outlets including NPR, ReInvention Radio, FOX & CBS TV.

Until now you could only get my Storytelling Method and my Guest Interview Mastery in 1:1 sessions or by being in one of my Storytelling Programs.

But now I’m, putting together a training on exactly How to Find Your Story for Impact and adapt it to being an A-list Podcast/ TV and/or Radio guest.

All the details are coming next week.
What I will tell you is that this Mini-Workshop is going to be

instead of the price of my programs that go up to $1200.

Why? Because I want more people telling their stories about resilience and courage. You can change the world for the better when you tell your story powerfully.

Be Bold. Be Brave. Tell Your Story.
P.S. Want to hear what some of my clients say about working on their story with me?
**One client told me today that she WON over $100 recently in a group where there was a contest asking people to share their story on video. She nailed it because she’s been working with me. How amazing is that?