It’s been a while since I blogged. How many of you have enough time in the day to get to everything you want to do, share and be? Do you complete everything on your list? Are the piles of papers on your desk finally organized? Did you throw out what you didn’t really need? If you have some tricks and short-cuts for me please comment here and let me know.
Now you may think that the clutter or disorganization has nothing to do with your past or present un-forgiveness. But I’m going to challenge that belief this week.
I believe that one way that unhealed issues show up is in clutter and disorganization. Did you have a parent that was disorganized, a hoarder, or a pack rat? What effect did that have on you? Are you ultra-clean or does a level of disorganization actually feel comforting and natural?
I had a big aha recently when I realized that the disorganization in my home office was directly related to my mother’s disorganization. It’s like I had inherited it after she died. Don’t look to make any logical sense from this. This all happens unconsciously until you make a commitment to really live your best life. When you do all unhealed issues come to the surface so they can be addressed. It’s good to have support when it does.
I had judged my mother harshly for her inability to be organized when she was alive. After she died I not only inherited things (I moved a lot of furniture, her artwork, paperwork into my place) but I also took on the very judgement that I held against her as a judgment of myself as I started to become disorganized and not know how to let go of things.
So today I boldly and openly forgive my mother for her clutter and disorganization knowing that she was doing the best she could and I affirm that I can change this pattern in myself now. I don’t need to beat myself up anymore for getting overwhelmed sometimes and not having things in perfect order, just like I didn’t need to judge her for not living up to my expectations when she was alive.
There is real freedom in forgiveness of judgements.
If you haven’t downloaded my ecourse on The 5 Top Reasons to Never Forgive and Why You Should, (on my home page) I suggest you do and start experiencing more freedom and joy today.
Opening Hearts by Forgiving the Unforgivable,