Another great review for Skin Deep at Scripps Ranch Theatre from The San Diego Reader
“This production boasts some fine actors. Brenda Adelman, as Maureen, is a fine comedienne and gives a highly believable, reality-based performance. Daniel Gurian, as Joe, is a regular guy, but in touch with his feelings. His character recalls Ernest Borginie’s Marty, from the 1950s teleplay — funny one minute and touching the next. These two actors strike a good connection. What would otherwise be flat, awkward pauses are here full of potential, and we can wallow in the awkwardness and reap the rewards of insight into the characters.”
The San Diego Reader
And from The Times of San Diego:
“But the delightful duo at Scripps Ranch Theatre really make that meeting pop — with a credible discomfort everyone in the audience can feel. Brenda Adelman and Daniel Gurian get it just right, from the uncertainty to the New York accents, throughout the cute, sitcom-y play…this is an enjoyably frothy comedy with a bit of grit underneath.”