by Brenda Adelman | Jan 11, 2018 | Coming Attractions
Excited to announce the upcoming performances of my one-woman show in Southern CA. I’ve spent a decade performing my one-woman show, My Brooklyn Hamlet, on my own. Favorite audiences: Youth-at-Risk, Women Prisoners, College Students and for Domestic Violence...
by Brenda Adelman | Oct 9, 2017 | Coming Attractions
Advanced tickets available for My Brooklyn Hamlet and two other great shows: Women and Courage, Thursday, Oct. 12, 7-8:30 p.m., Huntington Beach Arts Center, 538 Main St., Huntington Beach, CA, $10 at the door or in advance at (Type in Women and...
by Brenda Adelman | Aug 16, 2017 | video
Critically acclaimed solo-performer and one-person show mentor completes this 7 part training with Lesson 7: Over-Delivering to create fans, opportunities and cash Brenda Shares 5 Ways to Make Sure You Are Memorable Download Brenda’s Cheat Sheet: 7 Steps to...
by Brenda Adelman | Aug 16, 2017 | video
Promote Your One-Woman Show and Be Paid to Do What You Love- This is Step 6 in my “7 Steps to Create a Successful One-Woman Show” Video Training series Find out one very unusual and fun way I’ve promoted my show (which I’ve performed...
by Brenda Adelman | Aug 16, 2017 | video
Critically acclaimed actor and Hero of Forgiveness award recipient Brenda Adelman shares Lesson 5: Rewrite and Rehearse of her 7 Steps to Create a Successful One-Person Show Based on Your Life Story System. If you are a performer or want to be- you don’t want to...