You are invited to be a part of a life-changing summit on love and relationships:

Blissful Living and Loving: a Conference on Love, Sex and Relationships, sponsored by Just BEE Wellness

and Zest and Harmony Counseling.

This conference will be held from February 6th – 22nd and offers 20 outstanding presenters discussing topics such as:

Partner Yoga

Conscious Loving

The Désilets Method

Forgiveness & Freedom


Herbs & Foods for Sexual Vitality

As part of the special Blissful Mondays promotion, you can listen to any of the Monday presentations

However, for full access, when you register by February 1st, you get the following

Platinum Bliss Package for only $29.99:

Access to all the live presentations (featuring live question and answer sessions);

MP3 replay versions of all the presentations;

Access to the weekly, Thursday wellness lounge, where you can interact with other participants and connect with speakers;

The Blissful Living & Loving Workbook; and

Complimentary bonus gifts from the speakers.

We’re also hosting live, intensive workshops on February 21st and 22nd. The cost of the intensive
workshops is just $14.99 each if you register by February 1st; or you can get the Platinum Bliss Plus
Package, which includes everything in the Platinum Bliss Package, as well as both intensives for just

And did I mention that I will be speaking? That’s right, on Monday, February 13th from 7:30 PM – 8:15 PM EST. (4:30 PM – 5:15 PM PST)

Forgiveness: A Pathway to Personal Freedom

I am presenting on

The 5 Top Reasons to Never Forgive and Why You Must
and on
Learn what a Healthy Boundary is and how to Implement It.

So, if you’re ready to enter a new phase of personal and relationship satisfaction, you’ll want to register
today and become a part of the Just BEE community.
I invite you to take this step now – for yourself, for your partner, and for your relationship.

Click here to learn more:

P.S. This event is going to fill up quickly, so please register soon.
