Hi everyone,
I’m excited to be offering my first four week telecoaching series on Compassionate Forgiveness starting March 19th.
My teleclasses this past year have been filled with many insights for the participants but I realized that in order to go deeper and create real continuous healing, accountability and support were needed. Each class builds upon the one before and everyone will have a unique plan of action to help them get to the next level in experiencing more freedom and peace in their lives.
The first week starts with learning how to forgive yourself for anything that you haven’t been able to let go of. I’m not saying to release your responsibility and not to course correct. I’ll teach participants how to face their fears, be kind to themselves during the process and by doing so how to invite more good into their lives.
Forgiveness is a journey, not an event. A 60 minute teleclass will help point you in the direction of the work that must follow. In these four 90 minutes sessions you will dive into the work that’s needed in order to start feeling better and you’ll have me and the other group members by your virtual side for support.
If you would like to find out how you can join me click here:
Have a beautiful day.