Wearing Unforgiveness of Self is like putting on an oversized and washed out black T-Shirt that doesn’t fit and thinking it hides the extra weight -but really it’s a reflection of how you feel about yourself on the inside-your harsh self-judgment and this is what the world sees.

Instead, love all of you-every inch-you’re perfect and celebrate that by wearing something beautiful and colorful.

Unforgiveness-definitely not beautiful. It doesn’t wear well. It’s not a
classic look. It creates frown lines and fret lines and usually adds a
few unwanted pounds. Unlike forgiveness-now that’s cute, natural and
beautiful! What’s your opinion? Do you know anyone who wears unforgiveness like a badge?
It’s crazy, isn’t it? I think people hold onto unforgiveness (even though it’s making them look and feel bad) because they don’t know the secret—that releasing it makes them feel better. It’s not for the other person.

Question: Some do know the secret but choose to stay in a state of self pity- why?

Usually I think they are scared-they don’t know what will happen if they let go of their unforgiveness-it’s familiar. And they’re afraid to be hurt again. So much of this takes place unconsciously. My work is about bringing unconscious thoughts and beliefs to the surface in a safe way so that my clients can then make a choice to feel better by taking different actions.

Have a question about how unforgiveness is wearing you?

Ask below.

And join me October 13th for a Free Opening to Love introductory evening in Beverly Hills where you’ll learn how to clean out your inner closet (unforgiving beliefs that unconsciously and sometimes consciously determine how you feel) so you can look beautiful on the outside.

More info on my facebook page soon at http://www.facebook.com/ForgivenessandFreedom

Want the fullĀ  Beautiful Forgiveness Makeover?

Join me virtually October 23rd and October 24th for

Opening to Love: A Weekend of Forgiveness and Freedom.

In Love, Beauty and an Open Heart,


Out of Shame. Into Forgiveness. Onward to Freedom.