Brenda and Lori

Fellow forgiveness coach Lori Rubenstein and I will be co-leading a three hour workshop on ‘The Transformation of Forgiveness’ on Thursday, May 8th at Unity of Sedona.

For more info click on the following link.

New Press

April 18, 2008

From Verde News

In this hands-on intensive workshop you will have the opportunity to go deeply into your Truth where you can find out what is blocking you from living your best life.  You deserve a beautiful and peaceful life. Questions about the workshop—write me now at [email protected].

Have you signed up for my free teleclass, The 3 Steps to Forgive and Finally Be Free? If not, sign up now on the homepage. Submit your most challenging question on forgiveness to me at [email protected] and I will answer as many of your questions as I can on the 60 minute call.

The tenth anniversary of V-Day at The Superdome in New Orleans was incredible. There were over 40,000 people that filled The Arena to watch a very special presentation of The Vagina Monologues, including actresses Jane Fonda, Doris Roberts, Jennifer Hudson, Jennifer Beals and some of the cast of The L Word. Jane Fonda also spoke. Wow-she’s an amazing woman and an inspired activist. It was an honor to take part in this huge celebration for the empowerment of women and to stop the violence!

I was the closing keynote presenter at The Healthy Families Institute last Friday in Phoenix. Not only did I have the opportunity to perform my show and give my signature speech on The 3 Steps to Forgive and Finally Be Free, but I got to connect with 340 amazing people who work with at risk families to help make their lives better every day. I am so blessed.

I deepened in my knowing of the connection between my biggest heartbreak (the loss of my mom because of my dad) turning into my biggest gift. I have an amazing life when I listen to my inner guidance and keep creating and saying yes.

That is my hope for you.

Exciting things are coming up. Watch for them. I’ll be introducing my first e-zine to my subscribers on the second Tuesday of each month. It will be chock full of forgiveness tips. I’m still not sure on the title for it. I am open to suggestions from this group. Also, let me know what you’d like to read and learn about once a month. Some ideas: Setting Healthy Boundaries, How Can You Forgive and WHy Should You, How Can You Attract Kind People into Your Life and Move the Toxic Ones Out, etc.

You deserve the freedom.

To Your Open and Forgiving Heart,
