I am really excited about offering a Virtual 12 week LIVE workshop to go along with the modules of my training How to Create, Promote and Profit with a One-Person Show.
I’ve been thinking about this a long time- in the seed stage of creation.
Successfully facilitating the 6 week workshop: Healing through Story: Tell Yours which culminated in a sold-out performance in San Diego confirmed that this is my next step.
Each student presented 8-10 minutes of their work.
The audience displayed rapt attention to the performers. They were moved to laugh, cry, think about their own lives, limitations and loves.
My mission is to help change millions of peoples lives for the better- just by telling my story.
Helping you tell your story helps me reach that goal because of the ripple effect.
Will you be a part of this movement?
I am available to help you work through CPP- Create, Promote and Profit with a One-Person Show so that you stop thinking about where to start, how to be more enticing, captivating, shocking, endearing, saucy, provocative and commanding on stage…and you become those things…on stage.
If you have not purchased Create, Promote and Profit with a One-Person Show– it will be a requirement of this intensive.
There is an investment in this dynamic group coaching and mastermind.
The last 4 weeks will be focused on you writing your pitch, your emails and putting together a promotional plan that you will start making headway on.
This is the same high level coaching I do with my VIP clients who pay $1800/month.
This is in a group format so you can receive my coaching for an easy on your budget price.
We’ll be meeting every other week in my Zoom room during our 90 days together.
We’ll have a private group where you can post your questions about the training and your specific questions about your story so I can answer them. Post your videos of your new material and your new writing in between the virtual workshop calls. (Yes, you’ll be able to post your material for feedback every other week during the Materials Lab)
There’s a discount for paying in full for the 90 Days.
If you haven’t purchased Create. Promote and Profit with a One-Person Show contact me with your interest and I will send you a special link where you can purchase it in conjunction with this group coaching program.
This 12 week program is designed for you to have the materials in the program at your fingertips so you can move quickly at completing your show as a PRO.
No more thinking about how much you want to start or finish it or uplevel what you are doing.
I am going to be directing you on our calls so you can be confident that you are presenting yourself more fiercely and authentically than you have before.
My secret sauce is helping you be Fierce. Bold. & Authentic.
Narrowing in on what’s important to share for YOU and the Audience.
Addressing any MINDSET and emotional triggers that are getting in the way of you stepping into the light.
Do the work. Do the modules. Rehearse. Show Up Prepared and you will complete the 12 weeks with…
1. A short piece you can perform confidently
2. A first version of your full-length presentation in script form.
3. A couple of scenes connected with the perfect transitions (narration, unique expression)
4. An upleveled version of the show/ presentation you have because I am directing you.
5. A promotional plan in place to get you on stages.
6. An electronic Press Kit ready to send out.
If you are interested in joining message me or email me at brenda@forgivenessandfreedom.com with your questions and what you want to learn most in the program.
I am considering start dates SOON as I have the time in my schedule now.
If not now, when?